Our mission statement is “Accept the Best and Aim to Be the Best”
Why use ABM Inventory Ltd.
ABM Inventory Services are members of both the approved AIIC (Association of Independent Inventory Clerk) and APIP (Association of Professional Inventory Providers) of ARLA Inventories. As a member agent of the Associations it states a mark of professionalism and trust and providing reassurance to clients when dealing with ABM Inventory Services to include the following:
– As a member of AIIC and APIP of ARLA Inventories ensures we are fully compliant and offering maximum protection of Professional Indemnity Insurance and Public Liability Insurance.
– As a member of AIIC and APIP of ARLA Inventories ensures notifications of up to date regulations and industry best practices.
– As a member of AIIC ensures we adhere to PRS membership and ARLA Inventories Complaints Process.

Government guide statement 2019 “An Inventory is a written record of the condition the property was in at the start of the Tenancy, including details of anything that was already damaged or worn. This record should be agreed by you and the Tenant. Conducting an Inventory check at the start of a Tenancy is in the interest of both Landlords and Tenants, however the burden of proof will fall on the Landlord to demonstrate that any claims for damages against a Tenant’s deposit at the end of the Tenancy are justified. It is preferable for an Independent person (a Specialist Inventory Clerk) to undertake Check In and Check Out Reports.