Our mission statement is “Accept the Best and Aim to Be the Best”
Simple, Fast & Extensively Detailed.
In-depth inspections; clearly and accurately written documented Reports and digital photographic evidence; unparalleled detail and professional expertise; as a result, without it, those Tenancy Deposit Deductions are unlikely to succeed.
Why Expertise Matters?
Under the Landlord and Tenant Act section 11, the Landlord obligations are to carry out maintenance and repairs to the property and not entitled to betterment of any items in the property and the Tenant’s obligations are to look after the property in a ‘Tenant-like’ manner.
Who take responsibility for Dilapidations, Damages, Cleaning and Maintenance at the end of Tenancy?
Is it Fair ware and Tear? By law that is clearly defined as ‘reasonable use and natural force’ of deterioration of the property. Is it the Tenant’s negligence or is it accidental damage? A bad judgement could be very costly, which is why the expertise and knowledge of an Independent Professional Inventory Clerk is invaluable. Why risk these mistakes?
All reports are sent as a PDF document. See sample Check Out Report. Click here

Check Out/Dilapidation Reports are designed to record the written documentation and where relevant supported by photographs of the cleanliness and condition of the property at the end of the Tenancy in order to evidently identify any matters that are the Tenant’s or Landlord’s responsibility.