Our mission statement is “Accept the Best and Aim to Be the Best”
Inventory Services
ABM Inventory Services Reports are designed to produce invaluable and highly detailed written Inventory & Schedule of Conditions, Check In and Check Out Reports together with the addition of proficient date stamped digital photographs embedded into all Reports to show overview pictures of the property and highlight any marks, scratches and or damage to contents or the property. For example, proof of professional cleaning can be substantiated and evidenced by an invoice stating that the property was cleaned before the start of the Tenancy Agreement.
All these criteria are to assist an adjudicator to resolve any dispute(s) should any deposit deductions be warranted. Landlord and Letting Agents are required by law to register all deposit received from their prospective Tenant(s).
The software used allows for signature(s) to be encrypted on site or remotely via the software Interactive Web Report. Reports are shared via email whereby both Landlord and Tenants are given the opportunity to add their own comments and supporting evidence before signing digital report which again helps to manage potential disputes.
All reports are sent as a PDF document. See sample Inventory and Schedule of Conditions Report. Click here

Tenant(s) are given a set period of several days upon receipt of Report to notify the Landlord or Letting Agent to any discrepancies. If there are no responses from Tenant(s) it will be noted that the Tenant(s) has agreed that the Report is an accurate representation of the cleanliness, contents and condition of the property.